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Cayman Islands Development Bank is a leading provider of a range of loans, sound financial counselling and the right financial and technical assistance. We help you realize your dreams, whether you want to pursue further education, expand a business, or purchase a home.

NHDT Mortgages

What is the Affordable Home Mortgage Program?

The Affordable Home Mortgage Program is offered by the Cayman Islands Development Bank (“CIDB”) to finance the purchase of a 2 or 3 bedroom home under construction by the National Housing Development Trust.

CIDB Offer competitive fixed interest rates over a 5-year terms and options for either 95% or 100% financing with these loans.

General Requirements:

  • Completed, signed and dated Application Form
  • Passport and Drivers License
  • Evidence of Caymanian birth/status/naturalization
  • Credit Reference (from all banks you have an account with)
  • Employment Letter
  • Confirmation of address (Utility Bill)
  • Evidence of Financial contribution (if applicable)

Note that CIDB is the Bank part of this loan, you have to go through the application process with NHDT and qualify and be selected from there side ultimately before we can assist you from a banking side.

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